ISIS opens its 1st luxury 5-star Hotel

IS hotel in Mosul

The 262-bed, five-star hotel, once voted the best place to stay in Iraq, has had an ISIS makeover with manicured gardens and freshly-polished marble floors.

It is unclear whether the hotel once famed for its "luxurious elegance and comfort" has retained its bowling alley and sauna after the recent renovations.
But dancing, music, smoking or gambling are now forbidden and women must dress head-to-toe in black.
Members of the group's notorious al-Khansaa brigade – its female police force - are understood to be tasked with patrolling the grounds to check clients are obeying strict Sharia law.
Patrons risk amputation or beheading for failing to adhere to the Islamic rules that govern the area.
IS hotel in Mosul
The hotel is situated in the IS-stronghold of Mosul in northern Iraq
IS hotel in Mosul
The five-star hotel's reception includes signs in English

IS hotel in Mosul
The lobby includes a series of cascading waterfalls
IS hotel in Mosul
The floors were polished before the grand opening
For the time being at least, the hotel will host visiting IS ‘dignitaries’ from neighboring states as well as the marriages of jihadi brides.
The group have held an opening party with IS sympathizers shunning their weapons for expensive-looking watches.
The imposing structure was glowing with neon-lighting on its opening night, with brightly colored balloons released to celebrate the newly-refurbished building's first guests.
IS hotel in Mosul
Workmen destroyed parts of the facade during the renovations
IS hotel in Mosul
Gardeners tended to the grounds of the £65-a-night hotel
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