Memoirs of a concerned Nigerian 1

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The elections have come and gone. Promises were made and some people have realized that the promises will take a mighty long time to be fulfilled, we are used to it already. One thing you will realized is that this present dispensation was ushered in by the youths who were willing to fight for a change. While some were busy doing nothing, the youths took to twitter and other social media to enlighten others about the need for change. I am in support of change but I have been let down by this country so many times that all I ask from any government is to provide me with constant light, improved healthcare services, security and educate the minds willing to learn. 
  You will only end up with headaches if you only the matters of this country bother you, Nigerians are the hardest people on earth you know why? No matter how hard they try to frustrate us we always find humor in our predicament. We find a way to laugh over it and strive on, If you increase fuel we crack jokes and we still queue to buy it. We just want to live in the now and forget about what tomorrow holds. Some say it is because of the civil war that many Nigerians have vowed never to allow such incident reoccur. 
 We should not deceive ourselves or pretend like we are not affected in a way, we all suffer in one way or the other. I just want to wake up and listen to the news and hear that the looters have been caught while some have escaped with nothing. I want to wait for the traffic light to turn green without hearing a Police van driving pass while the light is still red. I want to take a cruise around my city and see that there are no touts harassing traders or drivers for money for tickets. I want to go out with 1000 and come home with 800 after spending. To be frank the Naira burns faster than petrol these days one can spend thousands and still don't see what you have spent it on.  I want to see the old politicians calling it quits and allowing young intellects take control. We are fed up with the rice and tin tomatoes campaign it is so embarrassing that in my hood, a particular party keeps sharing rice, vegetable oil and tin tomatoes to its supporters while all the roads are bad, there is no light, the school is not renovated and the pupils have no water to drink. 
 I just want to live in Nigeria where BEDC wont wake up one morning and divert the power supply of certain areas for now just reason. Why would you ask people to pay bills for the light they don't enjoy. I was only coping in this country because of the light now that it has been taken. I want to beg the incoming government to please review these companies that have been privatized because we are suffering. I want to see our brothers and sisters in foreign countries coming home because the see no reason to leave and never come back. A friend once said no matter how hard you try not to be offended the country always get you pissed off in a way. I pray our country becomes great again where graduates wont be rejects, we don't have to rely on oil the amazing part of it all is that every state has something that it could capitalize on in terms of internally generated revenue yet they sit lazily and squander the allocation they get. My issue is with the electricity distribution company, someone has to do something about them because they are ripping Nigerians off on daily basis. God bless Nigeria and give the incoming government  knowledge, wisdom, understanding and the right team to work with. 


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