African man caught with cocaine in his stomach

A  man with more than 3kg of cocaine in his stomach was among a series of drug busts carried out by Dubai Police with the help of their counterparts in India, Nigeria and Oman.

The African suspect was arrested on March 29, when he was in transit at Dubai airport en-route to Nigeria from Brazil, when the drugs were found.
The initial Police search found 3kg of cocaine in a secret pocket in his hand luggage.
General Kahlil Ibrahim Al Mansouri, the assistant Dubai Police chief for criminal investigation matters, said: “He was scared and confused and we thought that he might have more drugs”.
“We transferred him to hospital and discovered that he had 146 capsules of cocaine, weighing 3.2kg, in his stomach. It is dangerous to have drugs in your stomach as the pills could explode and kill you”.
The African man told the police that a friend in Brazil had given him money to smuggle drugs.
He has been referred to Dubai Public Prosecution after being charged with possessing and smuggling cocaine. The incident was one of six drug busts in March, in which a total of 18kg of cocaine was seized.
In another incident, two African women were caught at an airport in India smuggling 9kg of cocain in their bags after Dubai Police tipped off the Indian authorities. Another African man was also arrested in India with 810g of cocaine in his stomach.
An Asian woman was also arrested at Muscat International Airport with 396g of cocaine hidden in a bar of soap.
All the arrests have been made with the help of Dubai Police.
“Dubai Police is always helping other countries in fighting drug smuggling and we feel proud when we foil an attempt”, said Al Mansouri.
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