Food for thought

What do you call a system of government that allows the opposition to rain insults on a president and his part. They say it is democracy that makes everyone free to air their opinion regardless of the consequences. I have never believed in the Nigerian politics. The poor are like pawns in their deadly game of chess you will never believe until it affects you.

Take for example in the military rule you will never hear of a sect having enough firearms or weapons to battle with the army. Democracy has changed all that, billionaires are springing up everyday and the country's funds have been diverted by some to sponsor what has become a cancer that is spreading rapidly in a particular region. What we are facing in this country of ours is partly our fault, you may wonder why the truth is the saying that "Half bread is better than none". 
Our country will never fall in the hands of those who have ruined it so they can attain power and pose as agents of change. Our country will never be ruled by those who usurped power from a democratically elected government and want to be voted for. When you have been riding on an old horse you don't have to complain about its pace because you know better. Our problem lies in the hands of our supposed leaders. I have read about most of them in books and yet you will never see a day without hearing their names in the news still deliberating for us.
Moses always knew Joshua will be the next to lead and he trained him so when the time comes he will rise to the occasion. You don't see such in this country of ours, instead the youths are bought over with money and alcohol. Motivated by what they have been given and tend to become thugs for the same people who have been in politics from the genesis. One thing i know for sure is that unless these same cabal admit  the wrongs them have done to our country and willingly pave way for fresh bloods that have not been spoiled or trained to follow in their footsteps everything will remain the same.
I am not an angel or a judge but I can boldly say when it comes to the interest of others we don't have to let our lust for power and wealth drown our conscience. Rome wasn't built in a day it was built by the people who had vision and were willing to do anything to see it come to life. Speak up and stop murmuring, stop complaining and say what is on your mind. 
Ruling a country is more than promising things you can never fulfill, a man can only promise what he is sure of. It is better not to say anything than to say something you will be held for. Everyone wants to rule but only are few are leaders. Nigeria's case is like the trials and sufferings of Job in the Holy Bible, we shall overcome and be free from these oppressors that have set a level we can never pass. People who have deemed themselves fit to lavish what is meant  for the nation and will never be held accountable for it. Only a fool will want to drink all the water in a well, a Bini proverb says " Being hungry is sometimes better than being overfed".


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